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The Road of Recovery Starts Here
Residential Addiction Treatment Program
De Novo’s 35-day Residential Addiction Treatment Program is focused on treating individuals with problem substance use/abuse.
Distant Aftercare Program
Once a client has completed our 35-day Residential Addiction Treatment Program, they are potentially entering into one of the biggest challenges of recovery.
Family Program
Addiction is a family disease. The impact of addiction on the family unit and those closest to the addict or alcoholic can be devastating and often offers feelings of hopelessness and defeat.
Youth Addiction Treatment
De Novo Treatment Centre assists all individuals who are members of our contributing locals and associations, including their immediate families.
Land Acknowledgment
We respectfully acknowledge that the De Novo Treatment Centre is located on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabeg under the terms of the Robinson-Huron Treaty #61 of 1850, and the Williams Treaties of 1923.
De Novo Image Gallery
A Word From Our Graduates
“De Novo calls us to sanity, a sanctuary from the madness of alcohol and addiction. De Novo teaches us to be real and whole, not fragmented with lies and hidden secrets of shame and unworthiness. De Novo offers us wisdom; the serenity to accept what we cannot change and the courage to change what we can. De Novo feeds us, nurturing our bodies and souls, emotions, and minds. De Novo offers us freedom to express our hidden fears and hurts, and to bring to light, the love that will surface once barriers and blocks are removed. De Novo sends us out, equipped with the knowledge of a higher power, 12 steps, AA brothers and sisters and tools to get better, stay better and help others to do the same.”
“My stay at De Novo was good. I felt at home soon upon arrival. Friendships were made with staff, counsellors, and peers immediately. I was given time to adjust to my new surroundings and felt no pressure to participate right away. The counselor appointed to me was perfect. He was well trained and educated in the field of recovery and we soon become good friends. My one-on-one meetings were excellent. The room assigned to me was comfortable and perfectly situated as I have an ongoing health condition. When I became sick, I was taken to a doctor and later a hospital. My experience at De Novo was good and I am happily on the road to recovery.”
“I was working in Esterven, Saskatchewan for a company when my life became unmanageable. I was missing a lot of work and I realized that my drinking was robbing me of my future. I was broke, I had hurt my family and I was living on the floor of a laundry room. I drove myself to the hospital. I had depression, negative thoughts and by body was shaking. I hadn’t eaten food in days. While I was at the hospital, a kind Nurse reminded me that I could have help if I wanted it by calling my Union.
I called my BA from local 721 and he told me that there was a place I could call that would help me. I drove for four days, through storms, tornados, flying hay and big winds with ice from Saskatchewan to a place called De Novo Treatment Centre. I arrived at De Novo early in the morning scared, feeling angry, exhausted, and hungry, not knowing what would happen or what De Novo would be like. I arrived looking for steel bars on windows and looking for anyone that I might need to fight. Instead, I was greeted with a big smile by De Novo staff, and I was reassured that everything would be alright. I was welcomed into the De Novo community with open arms of staff and co-clients. De Novo provided a comfortable, friendly, and caring atmosphere. De Novo helped me build confidence in myself, opened my eyes, and gave me the tools I needed to help myself. The more effort I put into the program, the more I was benefiting from it. What I didn’t realize, was that the more I helped myself, the more I was helping others. I gained respect, dignity, honor, and trust. I had mixed emotions and reservations about the program and the people here, but I soon realized that De Novo understood and that I was no longer alone. I am thankful that De Novo helped me regain faith in my Higher Power and in myself.”
Did You know?
Nearly one-third of all opioid-related deaths in Ontario among those employed were from the construction industry
By the time Canadians reach the age of 40, 1 in 2 have – or will have had – a mental illness
People with a mental illness are twice as likely to have a substance use problem compared to the general population
Studies show that stigma usually arises from lack of awareness, lack of education, lack of perception, and the nature and complications of the mental illness or issue
50% of people experiencing an addiction say that being worried about what other people will think of them prevents them from seeking help

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